I did a little spirit work, as you requested, and was taken to one of my past lives when I was what I can best identify as an ancient ancestor of the blue whale. I could follow the threads of their culture, and then the threads of their descendants' cultures, and all I can say is, I feel like they are our older siblings, waiting for us to catch up and figure out what we've done wrong and how we ought to fix it.

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Thank you! I LOVE the idea of whales as our older siblings and reality weavers!!

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I'm reminded of the reason we have steadfastly refused to visit the Georgia Aquarium here in Atlanta: because they insist on keeping beluga whales even marine biologists know that keeping cetaceans in captivity harms them and often kills them. The aquarium has four or five whale deaths on their hands now, but they don't care as long as ticket sales stay high. To me, this is a microcosm of the greater world in which humans continue to extract resources from the living planet for profit, regardless of the consequences. It's all connected, all one giant system, from both a biological and a mystical perspective. There's no way that the things humans are doing are "inert" - everything we do affects the other animals and the rest of the biosphere. And I have no doubt that the non-human animals can feel the despair of those of us who want the situation to change.

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Whales in an aquarium... I stop breathing when I think of it and that is how they must feel. Like they are suffocating and their life is over. And that is a great point about animals feeling the despair of those who want change, speak and advocate for change. Perhaps it is those people they are blessings with proximity or a visit? More spirit work needed..... Thank you so much!

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Thank you for presencing the Beluga. We heard of the one you mention and were praying that it found its way, rather than getting stranded like so many creatures have around the coasts of Scotland, where I live. I haven't journeyed yet to connect with them and your article made me realise that perhaps I have been avoiding hearing and feeling the pain and the message that they carry.

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I understand. It is tempting to drop into avoidance isn't it, when we often are overwhelmed ourselves? I so hope this one finds his/her way home....

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I think that many people underestimate the power they have within, and how unknowingly mainstream cultures impact reality and Dream-time. I get the impression that we, as in everyone, are recreating reality, all of the time.

Recently in the woods, I have consciously asked a question in my mind, for example:

'Is there a possibility to fix the misdirection, that many are following and can we all create a reality in a better way?

Someone was walking a dog, and it was very noisy barking and running around manically, the next creature we saw was a Deer and the message I got: was that 'so much noise was going on, and many were distracted. So take a moment to think, to heal and let go of the fear of extinction, as many are manifesting extinction without even realising it.

The earth and the natural world will always balance itself no matter the changes in motion. We humans need to dream a better way by not being manic, fearful and disempowered' it is up to you,

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Yes, if we want better outcomes we need to create (as in focus on and make space for) better outcomes. I agree!!

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Beautiful and thought provoking as ever. I love your art, too. I saw a picture of a beluga while on FB recently. It had returned to a fisher man who'd freed it from a fishing net it was entangled in. In the picture the man is shaking its fin, or the other way round. I've been concerned with oceanic noise pollution for a long time. There are more and more stories coming up of animals appealing to humans for help, and sometimes animals alerting humans to emergencies, either with their young or involving other humans.

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Yes, I saw a picture of the Norwegian fisherman and a Beluga bumping foreheads in an expression of affection!

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Fascinating as ever. I need to reread when I get a chance. The whole creation and songs aspect is something I’m interested in. Particularly the mother song, something of which I’m doing lots of. Wondering on this now...

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Thank you! And yes, the Mother Song, being with your gorgeous little boy, is the most important thing right now, surely?! XXX

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