The Reindeer Mother is with us! As I sit here before dawn on Solstice morning, in an oral surgeon's waiting room (the Spouse has a dental emergency) I am enjoying the synchronicity of reading your words while "Jingle Bell Rock" plays on the office PA system. A little reminder that even the gods have a sense of humor!

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Now that made me laugh out loud! Thank you for sharing that. And I hope that all went well for the Spouse - not an ideal way or place to spend Solstice morning. Wishing you and family a beautiful Solstice, Christmas and Twelvetide period! Here in Sweden it started snowing at the exact moment of sunset.

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I had a root canal treatment this afternoon! It must be yule tide! Bells were ringing in my head... Have a lovely winter solstice.

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Oh heavens, 'tis the season for dental work! I hope you have a lovely solstice!

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Wishing you a magical Yuletide in The Forest. The Wild Hunt was definitely at play last night here in Scotland!

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Beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

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I had a sense of the Wild Hunt last night - being overflown by something huge and scary. It was like being aware of the wake of a large ship when you're in a small vessel. May the Mothers' mercy hold us in their care, and may the Hunt attend to their work! A very happy Solstice to you!

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