I love this article. When my grandchildren were very young I taught them that intuition is an important because it helps you to make decisions. I based some of the exercises on Dean Radin’s until the boys began creating their own. I had large tarot cards illustrated with fairy tales and they would guess their numbers, colours and objects. I would picture in my mind objects they were interested in and they would tell me which one I was seeing. One day the 6 year old yelled at the 4 year old “Stop flipping the pictures in your mind and stick to one.” Another day a young, neighbourhood girl came to play and the boys eagerly shared the games they played with me. She grasped the concepts quickly and “ won” without any practice. For several reasons I wasn’t able to visit the boys as much and busy with University and jobs now they don’t have much time anymore. But still one is a prolific dreamer who has had many obes and the other an empath.

With my own children I helped them overcome night terrors by reading about the methods of a Borneo shaman. We quickly banished those night demons by drawing and talking about them at tge breakfast table.

I would love to be part of a team that helped children navigate today’s world. I also relate to what wrote about growing older. Hospitals in Canada have a form. If it’s the day before your 70 th birthday you are a competent, independent person that understands how the body works and what you need to do to maintain it. The day of your 70th your form is changed to elderly, every single rash or illness is put down to being elderly and everything is explained as if you are 4 years old. Of course, there are doctors who don’t do this but on the whole my friends and I find these practices frequent and intolerable. Please feel free to add my name to the list of any projects or classes you start.

As to mine and my childrens’ complex spiritual upbringing I’ve found observing me finding my own way has helped them find theirs.

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Dear Linda, happy to add you to the small group of interested people, but would you mind sending me your regular email address on imelda dot almqvist at gmail dot com? Thank you!

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This is brilliant!

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Thank you! We all need to do our bit! :)

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Thank you for supporting the vision!

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